This BC Forest and Safety Council* resource road orientation video is an introduction to resource road safety and radio use. This video is a link to the BC Forest Safety Council YouTube video on their channel and is presented here as an information courtesy only.
The content provided may not represent the specifics of the road(s) you are using. It is incumbent on all users of radio-controlled roads to receive a reliable road operation safety briefing and to ensure they have an ISED approved radio professionally programmed and installed. Alternatively, it may be permissible to travel in a convoy with a radio-equipped vehicle. We strongly encourage you not to rely on non-approved radios or any radio not intended for commercial use. Your life may depend on it. Please visit both the Government of British Columbia Resource Road Radio Communications page and the BC Forest Safety website for more information.
*This video is the property of the BC Forest Safety Council and is provided as-is without warranty. Providing this link in no way implies any endorsement of Walco Radio, its services, or products, by the BC Forest Safety Council, or endorsement of the information provided on this website.